Page 4 - stardust aperçu
P. 4
A fairy tale
A long time ago -
And yet perhaps it wasn’t that long ago -
There was a small beautiful country
Where some lived but most just existed.
In this country there was a small town
Where the sea rose to kiss the green forest
Theirs was a great love story
Filled with slayed dragons and fierce knights,
But that’s a story for another time.
In this very town a young girl was born;
She was not a princess,
Neither a brave warrior
Nor a damsel in distress.
She was but a girl destined for the mundane.
The girl grew up reading about those she
cannot be;
She dreamed a whole world,
And lived a whole life,
With each page she devoured.
When the girl became a woman
The hunger in her became wings,
And she flew up.
Standing at the universe’s big gates,
She knocked on its doors